Moufflon Bookshop Nicosia - Cyprus
Moufflon Bookshop Nicosia
1 Review
Moufflon Bookshop Nicosia1 Sofouli Street22665155
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Moufflon Bookshop Nicosia
1 Sofouli Street, Nicosia, Cyprus
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Moufflon Bookshop Nicosia1 Sofouli Street22665155
A rare bookshop
These type of bookshops are very rare and going extinct. It is almost impossible to find anything like it in Cyprus.
You won't find stationery in this bookshop. It lives up to it's name. It is full of books. Once you go inside you get a vintage feeling of a previous era when books were dominating story telling and the spread of information. It is also an antiquarian bookshop. During my few visits I could find some unexpected but pleasing surprises of rare books and rare editions.
The lady owner of the shop is also very kind and helpful despite her age and difficulties.
Despite that they even managed to put up a website where you can buy books online. They have a large selection of books online but I ve noticed that not all of them have been uploaded so a visit compliments the search.
Highly recommended. If only more bookshops fell like bookshops instead of businesses.
You won't find stationery in this bookshop. It lives up to it's name. It is full of books. Once you go inside you get a vintage feeling of a previous era when books were dominating story telling and the spread of information. It is also an antiquarian bookshop. During my few visits I could find some unexpected but pleasing surprises of rare books and rare editions.
The lady owner of the shop is also very kind and helpful despite her age and difficulties.
Despite that they even managed to put up a website where you can buy books online. They have a large selection of books online but I ve noticed that not all of them have been uploaded so a visit compliments the search.
Highly recommended. If only more bookshops fell like bookshops instead of businesses.
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