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October Street 28, Limassol, Cyprus
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Company description
Nest Investment (Holdings) Limited is a family-owned business with a global presence, founded in 1989 by Ghazi Abu Nahl and his wife Hind Ali Tabaja (Mrs Abu Nahl). Headquartered in Limassol, Republic of Cyprus, the company provides a wide range of services including general insurance, reinsurance, reinsurance broking, banking, real estate, and World Trade Centre services. With more than 2,000 managerial and operational staff in 23 countries, Nest Investment (Holdings) Limited has an impressive list of assets and annual turnover of more than US $660 million. With an equity of US$ 2.6 billion, the company is dedicated to achieving its mission of being the best in everything it does. A strong emphasis on continuous development and refinement of its products and services is rooted in the
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personal vision and ideals of its founder. Nest Investment (Holdings) Limited also promotes transparency, fairness, and dignity in business, adhering to the spirit and letter of legislative, rules and regulation of the countries in which it operates. The company also has a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility framework, which includes helping social and academic causes, promoting environmental awareness, and implementing development projects that will benefit their respective communities. Managers and staff at all levels are carefully chosen and share their chairman’s dedication and vision to be the best. The management and directors of Nest Investment (Holdings) Limited are also willing to make themselves available to anyone requiring additional details aboutListed in categories
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