Kvantor - Nicosia, Cyprus
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Nicosia, Cyprus
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The KVANTOR project aims to give global economic agents real freedom by utilizing advanced settlement technology to make fast, competitive, and affordable transactions unhindered by cartels and corporations. It reduces costs for clerks, lawyers, document management specialists, and reduces the amount of unnecessary documents. Transactions can be completed in minutes, with minimal transaction costs and risks of mistakes. With KVANTOR, commodity exchanges can provide their customers with cutting-edge technology services, and banks can become business partners. KVANTOR creates an ecosystem of equal economic agents (from individuals to multinational corporations) with no barriers to entry, a win-win model of work, and no economic or political borders, while still providing the highest level
The KVANTOR platform offers companies direct settlements in national currencies, a convenient marketplace with automatic transaction execution and additional services (logistics, insurance), the ability to verify the counterparty, access to financial instruments (financial guarantees, factoring), reduced financial and time costs to complete transactions, asset/liability trading in decentralized mode, and confidential information protection. Banks gain independence from centralized payment systems, access to new customers, and confidential information protection. Governments benefit from protection from outside control of economic operations, all operations based on consensus of stakeholders, increased national monetary aggregates, decreased use of foreign currency, and increased financial stability. In the future, governments may even have their own KVANTOR settlement platform with access to interested entities and
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of data protection.The KVANTOR platform offers companies direct settlements in national currencies, a convenient marketplace with automatic transaction execution and additional services (logistics, insurance), the ability to verify the counterparty, access to financial instruments (financial guarantees, factoring), reduced financial and time costs to complete transactions, asset/liability trading in decentralized mode, and confidential information protection. Banks gain independence from centralized payment systems, access to new customers, and confidential information protection. Governments benefit from protection from outside control of economic operations, all operations based on consensus of stakeholders, increased national monetary aggregates, decreased use of foreign currency, and increased financial stability. In the future, governments may even have their own KVANTOR settlement platform with access to interested entities and
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