Copictures - Limassol, Cyprus
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Limassol, Cyprus
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Company description
CoPictures is an innovative platform that brings users from all around the world together and provides a solution to the media's need for speed and efficiency. With just a few clicks, media outlets can acquire the images they need and use them legally. Photographers no longer need to create individual invoices and journalists can rest assured that copyright laws are being followed. Moreover, CoPictures also offers an opportunity to have users send photos to local police departments or the Red Cross.
Clients who are searching for images in the CoPictures database can purchase the photographs they choose with just a few clicks. The system automatically generates an invoice and after the payment is made, the client can publish the images legally. The earnings from the purchases then get
Members of this social platform can communicate with each other, create joint albums, share them with friends, or store their portfolios. CoPictures also provides additional services like printing pictures on paper or canvas and making them into postcards and photo walls. Furthermore, clients can also place orders for photos from a certain event. The system will then find photographers closest to the event location and forward the request to them.
Clients who are searching for images in the CoPictures database can purchase the photographs they choose with just a few clicks. The system automatically generates an invoice and after the payment is made, the client can publish the images legally. The earnings from the purchases then get
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directly deposited into the photographer's bank account.Members of this social platform can communicate with each other, create joint albums, share them with friends, or store their portfolios. CoPictures also provides additional services like printing pictures on paper or canvas and making them into postcards and photo walls. Furthermore, clients can also place orders for photos from a certain event. The system will then find photographers closest to the event location and forward the request to them.
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