Mcdonald's (Cyprus) - Larnaca
Mcdonald's (Cyprus)
1 Review
Mcdonald's (Cyprus)Pinelopis 605724669777
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Mcdonald's (Cyprus)
Pinelopis 6057, Larnaca, Cyprus
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Mcdonald's (Cyprus)Pinelopis 605724669777
This particular McDonald at Timayia is full of rude managers! I would repeat totally rude! they just do NOT know how to treat their workers with respect.
This workers are giving their all at work! (I have seen that with my own eyes) but the manager or whatever doesn't appreciates that at all and does not even care if any one of the staff is sick!
They treat their workers like a SLAVE! where the hell in this century does this BULLSHIT happen? only in CYPRUS! ??? Treating workers like a piece of shit!
The staffs are quitting to work everyday by day as a result of the manager's behavior! very RUDE!
The appropriate director of this particular branch should replace one of the female manager! she is so RUDE! she talks to anyone anyhow without respect! she does not even care if her mother's mate is there! smh
Shame on you McDonald. (Timayia) If nothing is done to this, then it would result to further complaints to the competent authority as soon as possible!
This workers are giving their all at work! (I have seen that with my own eyes) but the manager or whatever doesn't appreciates that at all and does not even care if any one of the staff is sick!
They treat their workers like a SLAVE! where the hell in this century does this BULLSHIT happen? only in CYPRUS! ??? Treating workers like a piece of shit!
The staffs are quitting to work everyday by day as a result of the manager's behavior! very RUDE!
The appropriate director of this particular branch should replace one of the female manager! she is so RUDE! she talks to anyone anyhow without respect! she does not even care if her mother's mate is there! smh
Shame on you McDonald. (Timayia) If nothing is done to this, then it would result to further complaints to the competent authority as soon as possible!
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